an C++11 library for reading TMX files
▼Ntmx | The namespace for all libtmx classes |
CAdaptor | An adaptor to get raw pointer from a unique pointer |
CBoxed | A boxed object is a geometrical object that is defined by a box |
CCell | A cell is a square on a map layer that is filled with a tile |
CChain | A chain is a base class for lines with multiple points |
CComponent | A base class for classes that have properties |
CEllipse | An ellipse is a geometrical object |
CImage | An image is an image file on the system |
CImageLayer | An image layer is a layer with a single image |
CLayer | A layer is a layer in the whole map |
CLayerVisitor | A layer visitor is a visitor for layers in the visitor pattern |
CMap | A map is a set of tilesets and a set of different layers |
CObject | An object is a geometrical object |
CObjectLayer | An object layer is a layers composed of objects |
CPolygon | A polygon is a closed set of lines |
CPolyline | A polyline is an open set of lines |
CRect | A rectangle representing the portion of an image |
CRectangle | A rectangle is a geometrical object |
CSize | A size of an image |
CTerrain | A terrain describes a kind of terrain on the map |
CTile | A tile is a rectangular part of a tileset |
CTileLayer | A tile layer is a layer with tiles in cells |
CTileObject | A tile object is an image put in the map |
CTileSet | A tileset is a set of tiles in a single file (image or TSX file) |
CVector2i | A vector of signed integers |
CVector2u | A vector of unsigned integers |