libtmx  0.4.0
an C++11 library for reading TMX files
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NtmxThe namespace for all libtmx classes
 CAdaptorAn adaptor to get raw pointer from a unique pointer
 CBoxedA boxed object is a geometrical object that is defined by a box
 CCellA cell is a square on a map layer that is filled with a tile
 CChainA chain is a base class for lines with multiple points
 CComponentA base class for classes that have properties
 CEllipseAn ellipse is a geometrical object
 CImageAn image is an image file on the system
 CImageLayerAn image layer is a layer with a single image
 CLayerA layer is a layer in the whole map
 CLayerVisitorA layer visitor is a visitor for layers in the visitor pattern
 CMapA map is a set of tilesets and a set of different layers
 CObjectAn object is a geometrical object
 CObjectLayerAn object layer is a layers composed of objects
 CPolygonA polygon is a closed set of lines
 CPolylineA polyline is an open set of lines
 CRectA rectangle representing the portion of an image
 CRectangleA rectangle is a geometrical object
 CSizeA size of an image
 CTerrainA terrain describes a kind of terrain on the map
 CTileA tile is a rectangular part of a tileset
 CTileLayerA tile layer is a layer with tiles in cells
 CTileObjectA tile object is an image put in the map
 CTileSetA tileset is a set of tiles in a single file (image or TSX file)
 CVector2iA vector of signed integers
 CVector2uA vector of unsigned integers